Leadership Minor FAQs

It is easy to declare the SDSU Leadership Minor. To declare the minor please email Dr. Lisa Gates, the Director and Advisor for the Leadership Minor, at [email protected] with your RED ID and she will proceed with your declaration of the minor through My.SDSU.

The Leadership Minor is open to students from all academic majors. Every discipline and industry needs strong, global leaders. Our classes are filled with majors from across the university. The Leadership Minor prepares you for success in any field of study.

Everyone leads, they  may not be aware of it just yet. As such, no formal leadership experience is necessary to declare the minor. The Leadership Minor is designed to include high impact experiences that offer you real leadership opportunities. You’ll have opportunities to lead on campus, through service learning opportunities, and through the experience of an internship of your choice.

The university does not allow “double dipping,” that is, having a course satisfy both a major and minor requirement. However, your upper division electives for the minor CAN count toward your upper division GE electives—this will save you time. Also, if you have taken a course/or wish to take one that is NOT on the approved list, and you believe that it could count toward your electives, please email the information below to Dr. Lisa Gates at [email protected].

Please include:

  • Your contact information (name, Red ID)
  • The name, number, and units for the course you are requesting to substitute for for an upper division elective course (e.g., SOC 352. Global Social Problems ; WMST 325: Psychology of Women)
  • A few sentences describing how the course(s) relates to the Leadership Minor theories, concepts, pathways, etc., and how many units it comprises.

It depends on your major course requirements and whether you plan to “double count” the minor’s upper division elective requirements with the General Education courses (Explorations: Social Science and Humanities and/or the Cultural Diversity requirement) required by SDSU. The Leadership Minor requires the completion of just 15 units. Typically, the minor can be completed in two semesters. Some students complete it in one semester and some distribute the minor across their time at SDSU. it is a minor at SDSU that complements all majors.